I. Before creating the Camera Ready PDF
- Make sure you used the A4 (NOT Letter) AQTR/IEEE template to format your paper: Word template, LaTeX template, LaTeX biblio files, instructions for the LaTeX template.
Some help for capitalization of the Paper Title.
Some help for best image quality.
We recommend obtaining and inserting your graphics in a vector format (SVG, EMF, WMF or alike). You can create good looking diagrams online on sites like
Draw.io and download them in SVG format (importable in Word) or high quality PNG (zoom in and then export the drawing in the current scale). Or use the free Inkscape application, or another vector graphics tool. If you cannot get the images in vector format, consider:
- saving your screenshots and images only as PNG, instead of JPG
- if you are using Word, then Word > File > Options > Advanced > Image Size and Quality > Do not compress images in file, and then insert the images into your document
- when creating the PDF, disable image downsampling, also disable image compression or at least use ZIP compression, "lossless" compression, or JPEG2000 compression on "maximum" quality.
After you inserted the image into the Word document, you can crop it (pull its margins inwards to hide some parts, or pull them outwards to leave more space around the image or show parts of the image that are otherwise hidden, due to importing artifacts:
Word > click on the picture > Picture Format > Size > Crop).
Some help for author details alignment.
The template describes steps for adding multiple authors. If that does not work, make the authors section one column, insert a table with invisible border (but go into the table and activate Word > Layout > View Gridlines) and multiple cells, then move the author details into the cells and use the invisible table cells for alignment.
Some help for balancing text columns.
Please balance the two text columns at the end of the document (usually, the references list), so that they take less space and have better readability.
If you are using Word:
- Click at the end of the columns you want to balance.
- Go to main menu > Layout > Breaks > Section Breaks > Continuous.
If you are using Google Docs:
- Switch to Page view (main menu > Format > Switch to Pages format).
- Click at the end of the columns you want to balance.
- Insert > Breaks > Section Break.
- Do NOT add a copyright code in the bottom left corner of the first page, as in previous conferences. The editors will do that. If there is a code or a placeholder (like "XXX-X-XXXX-XXXX-X/XX/$XX.00 ©20XX IEEE") on the first page, please delete it.
- Six pages is maximum. Shorten your paper, if it is over six pages long.
- Make the improvements recommended by the reviews.
- Proofread your source document thoroughly to confirm that it will require no revision.
- The use of content generated by artificial intelligence (AI) in an article (including but not limited to text, figures, images, and code) shall be disclosed in the acknowledgments section of any article submitted to an IEEE publication. The AI system used shall be identified, and specific sections of the article that use AI-generated content shall be identified and accompanied by a brief explanation regarding the level at which the AI system was used to generate the content.
- A submission of a scientific paper is considered as a commitment that, upon acceptance, authors will submit their camera-ready version for inclusion in the formal proceedings and will present the paper at the conference. AQTR reserves the right to remove from IEEE Xplore, papers that have not been presented at the conference.
II. Create/access your PDF eXpress Account
Log in to the IEEE PDF eXpress™ site
- First-time users should do the following
- Click the Don't have an account? Create account link
- Enter the following:
- 61889X for the Conference ID
- your email address
- a password
- continue to enter information as prompted.
- An online confirmation will be displayed and an email confirmation will be sent verifying your account setup.
- Previous users of PDF eXpress need to follow the above steps, but should enter the same password that was used for previous conferences. Use 61889X as Conference ID and verify that your contact information is valid.
If necessary, contact PDF eXpress Support, accessing the Publications Support Center for IEEE PDF eXpress Plus.
If you do not find an answer in the Find Answers tab, go to the Ask A Question tab.
Your question will be forwarded to IEEE PDF Support and answered within 3 business days.
III. Create or validate your PDF with PDF eXpress
Even if you already created a PDF file according to Xplore PDF rules, please validate it with PDF eXpress, download the resulting file and use that in the following step.
IV. Upload the Camera Ready PDF to the submission site
- Log in to the submission site, choose the role "proceedings author (IEEE Proceedings)" (NOT "author").
- In the menu on the right, click "Upload new version" to upload the new (final) version of your paper.
V. Copyright transfer
- Make sure that the title, authors, affiliations in Easychair are exactly like in the final camera-ready PDF, because they will be copied automatically from Easychair into the copyright form and you cannot change them afterwards. If there are differences, the copyright transfer will be void and IEEE Xplore will refuse your paper. If you need to change the authors or paper title: go to EasyChair > log in as "Proceedings author" > click on the magnifying glass next to the paper title > click on "Update authors" in the top right corner > click on "Paper information" in the top right corner > click on the paper's title > change it > Save it.
- In Easychair, find and click on the red “Sign Copyright Agreement” button corresponding to your paper. You will be redirected to the IEEE website for electronic copyright form submission. Follow the instructions.
- At the end of the procedure, the online IEEE Copyright Transfer Form will be displayed. Please write the date and your name at the bottom of the Copyright Transfer Form and submit it.
- The form will be recorded and you will receive a copy by e-mail.
VI. Prepare the presentation
- Powerpoint or PDF format
- About 10 minutes presentation, 5 minutes questions